Why should young families visit the Library?

When young families visit the library with their children they are cementing foundation skills and helping their brains make the necessary connections to set them on a path to a bright future.

Libraries have amazing resources for young families to utilise when visiting. You can borrow great children’s books for free from your local library or pick up a take home Storytime kit. Your child will have fun choosing books from their local library and Library staff love to recommend books for you and your child to share! Libraries also offer story times, activities and school holiday programs for children. 

What you need to visit the library? 

A sense of adventure and your library card (don’t worry if you don’t have one they are easy to get!)
When you join a library, the library staff will tell you how many books your child can borrow (but we respect your family decision) and when you have to return them. 

How to make the most of your first visit to the library? 

Firstly, talk to your child about the library before you go but don’t stress – Libraries have come along way from Shush libraries. Libraries now are vibrant places with lots of technology and activities going on at all times of the day.  We want your child to love coming and we will help in any way we can. 

Secondly, be sure to bring a library bag – any bag will do, kids books are large and usually they have a few so it will help you manage especially if you have a pram or toddler holding your hand. 

Then when you arrive at the library, go to the children’s section and encourage your child to browse the books. HINT- decide before arriving at the library how many books you want your child to borrow.

After that, give your child some quiet time to look through the books. You will notice a lot on display and they will be separated into 3 age groups so point your child in the correct spot but don’t stop them from looking at the others. Let them look at whatever catches their eye. This includes Non Fiction! Don’t be afraid if they come to you with a book on dinosaurs that they can barely carry.  It will be the pictures you can discuss you won’t need to read all the text!

Trying different books is all part of learning.

It doesn’t matter if some of the books your child chooses turns out to be too hard or aren’t as interesting as they thought they would be. You can just return them and get something else next time. Similarly it doesn’t matter if they want the same book every time. Repetition is great for children and though us parents may get sick of the book, they never do! They discover something new and exciting every single time!

Consider turning your phone on silent and sit with your child and read some books together. Decide together which ones to borrow and which ones you’ll leave to next time.  

Whilst your in the library talk to the Librarian and discuss what programs they offer and how to register. Storytimes are always a favourite and the kids will love mixing with others, there are stories and songs plus craft and puppets… the list goes on.  Seriously you should come along, it most Librarians favourite time of the week! 

Once you are all checked out and the books are loaded into the Library Bag there is one very important thing to do, makes sure you smile and wave to the Librarian because you borrowing books for enjoyment is why she comes to work every day!

If you can’t make it in to the Library to borrow books, we have Story Box Library available anywhere, anytime, for your children to enjoy!

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