Writer’s Itch

Have you an itch to write? Maybe you need some support to get started. Maybe you have been writing but would love to find other writers to help sustain you. Have you ever thought of joining a writer’s group or perhaps creating one in your area?

Miles Writer’s Group kicked off in 2014 and although small, have been meeting monthly ever since.  Members vary in their writing experience some having published books and short stories and won competitions, others who enjoy scribbling and talking all things writing, books and authors. COVID nudged the group to zoom meetings and now this handy tool allows members who can’t get to town to join the meeting virtually. One member moved interstate and continues participating in the group via zoom from western NSW.

Each meeting members share some writing inspired by the monthly prompt or another piece or except from a larger piece they are working on. In addition, a member prepares a short workshop on a topic of interest. Recently the group was introduced to Synthesising, a higher order comprehension and summarising skill that develops writing. This became the prompt for the month – could we write a piece drawing on two sources – a New Yorker article Vatican’s Secret Rules For Catholic Priests Who have Children and Words Out West author Brendan Watkins debut memoire Tell No One, one man’s search for his birth parents, which uncovered an astonishing global scandal at the heart of the Catholic Church.

Western Downs Libraries have been supportive, passing on contacts they receive. One such opportunity was for a group zoom session with Brisbane publishing company Hawkeye Publishing. https://hawkeyebooks.com.au/  It was through this contact that we learned about being a Beta Reader using a structure for critiquing each other’s work in a safe and respectful manner. The structure is outlined in one of the company’s published books Winning Short Story Competitions by L.E Daniels & C Sawyer.

The Words Out West Festival is a much-anticipated event https://wordsoutwest.westerndownslibraries.com/events-2024/ One member described it as providing an opportunity to ‘see things differently’. The chance to meet top name authors and emerging writers in our local area is a fantastic opportunity. Mardi Sands group member and long-time writer presented the workshop Write Your Life at this year’s Words Out West. Mardi is also a volunteer with the University of the Third Age leading their Autobiography and Journalling course twice a year.

Writing should not be a lonely activity. A writer’s group can be a place to test ideas, learn new things, get feedback and most of all, find people who have caught the writer’s bug just like you! Miles Writer’s Group meets on the third Tuesday of the month @ 5.30pm in the Murilla Room, Dogwood Crossing, Miles or for a change of scene at the pub! For more information contact Roxy Bidgood

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

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