• Gaming with Western Downs Libraries

    Online gaming in libraries are becoming increasingly popular and at Western Downs Libraries, we have embraced this trend. Our libraries feature an extensive array of gaming consoles, including the...

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  • Bad Art Night: The origin story of ‘Picass- oh no’!

    Back when I was a new to this whole "librarian" thing, I had some feedback from Terry, a regular to Tara Library.  He said, " you need to do something for the people who can't do art, so I have a...

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  • Why Kids Need BOOKS!

    Having a background in early childhood education, I myself have seen first-hand how the connection between reading books and children's development come hand in hand. So many rewarding feelings and...

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  • Writer’s Itch

    Have you an itch to write? Maybe you need some support to get started. Maybe you have been writing but would love to find other writers to help sustain you. Have you ever thought of joining a...

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  • Bridgerton, regency, England, romance, colin, penelope

    Regency Romance Readers

    I have a challenge for you, Dear Reader. When you next find yourself a patron of one of our illustrious branches, I beseech you to discover the identity of the regency romance readers at your...

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  • Graphic Novel Adaptations

    Whether you're searching for a movie or TV show on Netflix or perusing the local cinema brochures, odds are that you have seen the abundance of comic to screen adaptations that are...

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