September Celebrations – Cathy, Chinchilla Library

As I engaged in some casual research to explore potential blog topics, I found a couple of websites featuring those special “September Celebrations” ideas. Admittedly, most were American sites – but wow! they were hilarious!

You can celebrate a ‘Cherry Popover’ (though I might need to politely escort my husband, Dave, out of the kitchen for that endeavor). Then, there’s the globally recognized World Coconut Day on September 2nd. Following closely is September 4th, officially designated as “Eat an Extra Dessert Day”. Which is an excellent opportunity to savor the remaining cherry popovers from earlier in the month. Shortly thereafter, we have Cheese Pizza Day, followed by Coffee Ice Cream Day. Concluding this delightful month is Beer Lovers’ Day (not quite my cup of tea, so I might opt for a glass of Moscato instead).

At this point, I find myself feeling somewhat satiated, not to mention a tad tipsy, as I’m not particularly accustomed to imbibing in alcohol. My family has affectionately nicknamed me the “two-pot screamer.” According to, a remarkable 19 out of the 30 days in September are dedicated to celebrating various food items, drinks, or the art of cooking. For instance, there’s a day for kids to take over the kitchen on the 13th and National Cooking Day on the 25th. Avast me hearties my favourite day in what is fast becoming my favourite month of the year is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

The thing that has struck me about my trip down the September worm hole has been that we love to celebrate and come together with fun ideas and good food and drink (you can also celebrate a chocolate milkshake as well as a great coffee in September). If there is one thing that we have in the library, it is a great collection of books to help you do this. Come in and have a look at what we have to offer. Just don’t forget your eyepatch on the 19th.

– Cathy, Chinchilla Library
Cathy September Celebrations

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