Talk, Read, Sing and Play, EVERYDAY!

Reading to our children

Sometimes, we as parents feel uncomfortable reading to our children and it may be for a variety of reasons. I have some solutions, that will be invaluable, to help with your child’s language and literacy development.

Make up your own stories

This could be about something that has happened or completely created from your imagination. It is a very powerful tool to talk with their child about their experiences, and why not make them into a story. I guarantee your child will love being the main character in your story.

Sing songs

Yes, put on the music and sing along or just sing with your child. Put on songs in the car, in the house or in the yard. Sing along and do the actions. What you sing doesn’t matter, the important thing is that your child sees you singing and enjoying yourself. Soon your child will want to sing and dance along with you.

Say rhymes

Humpty Dumpty, Jack and Jill, Hey Diddle Diddle…the list is endless. They are also mini stories that have been handed down from generation to generation. Use them, say them often and your child will learn them and pass them down as well. Rhyming is great for children, and as Mem Fox says ‘If a child knows eight nursery rhymes by heart by the time they are 4, they are usually the best readers and spellers in their class by the time they are 8!’

Watch together the stories on Storybox Library.  All you need is a current Western Downs Library Card to get started. This is a wonderful experience that the whole family can enjoy. Try watching, Busting by Aaron Blabey, I think you will love it!

Attend a Storytime session near you. Just enquire at your local library or click here to see more information on our website.

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