Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone!

Reader ReviewReader review: Amazing plot twists, a really good enjoyable read.

When you first read the title, admit it! You thought “What?!” but this new release from Benjamin Stevenson is a cracking read and if you like an old fashioned  #whodunnit, and if you like to guess the protagonist before the reveal you will love the twists and turns this book offers. Stevenson has successfully re-created a bygone sub genre for a thoroughly modern audience.

The Cunninghams in this story are not the ‘Happy Days’ variety. These Cunninghams rarely meet and only have one thing in common – they have all killed someone. So when someone has the bright idea of a family reunion, we know sparks are going to fly.


I was dreading the Cunningham family reunion even before the first murder. Before the storm stranded us at the mountain resort, snow and bodies piling up. The thing is, us Cunninghams don’t really get along. We’ve only got one thing in common: we’ve all killed someoneMy brother, my step-sister, my wife, my father, my mother, my sister-in-law, my uncle, my stepfather, my aunt. Me…

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