All library branches have computers available for public use including broadband internet access.

Use of library computers is free of charge and bookings may be required, depending on demand. Bookings can be made online, in person at the enquiries desk, by phoning your local branch on 1300 COUNCIL, or via email to .

  • Customers may book one session a day, up to one hour in duration.
  • Customers are advised that while our library service doesn’t use an internet filter (in accordance with best practice guidelines for Freedom of Information), illegal content will be blocked and we reserve the right to view web histories if inappropriate usage is suspected. Breach of conditions of use will result in restriction or termination of access.
  • Youth using computers and the internet are not supervised at any time by Library Staff. It is the responsibility of parents and carers to ensure adequate supervision.

Click here to book a Public Access Computer

Wi-Fi internet access is also available at all Western Downs Libraries.