Power, Control and Domestic Abuse

See What You Made Me Do – Jess Hill

Domestic abuse is a national emergency – one in four Australian women has experienced violence from a man she was intimate with. But too often we ask the wrong question- why didn’t she leave? We should be asking- why did he do it? Investigative journalist Jess Hill puts perpetrators – and the systems that enable them – in the spotlight. See What You Made Me Do is a deep dive into the abuse so many women and children experience – abuse that is often reinforced by the justice system they trust to protect them. Critically, it shows that we can drastically reduce domestic violence – not in generations to come, but today. Combining forensic research with riveting storytelling, See What You Made Me Do radically rethinks how to confront the national crisis of fear and abuse in our homes.

More books on Domestic Abuse
No visible bruises : what we don’t know about domestic violence can kill us
Blame changer : understanding domestic violence
Invincible : the 10 lies you learn growing up with domestic violence, and the truths to set you free

Domestic Violence is any type of violence or intimidation used by one partner to control the other. It can include physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, psychological, social or financial abuse as well as threats, intimidation or damage to property. And it not only happens between couples, but between teen’s and their parents, seniors and their children. There are many different family situations in which domestic violence can occur.

It is common for abusive partners to make you think that the violence is all your fault. If you are a victim of domestic violence, the violence is not your fault. The only person responsible for the abuse is the abuser.

Domestic Violence Action Centre (DVAC) services the Western Downs Community, providing crisis support, counselling, court support, safety planning, safety upgrades, information and advice, and behaviour change programs for men.

If you are needing help, support or advice you can contact

DVAC Toowoomba on 4642 1354
DV Connect Womensline 1800 811 811
1800 RESPECT  1800737732
Kids Help Line 1800 551 800
In an emergency contact the police on 000.


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