We’re reopening

Our branches will be reopening from this Saturday 16 May. We are excited to have our lively library members back in our branches, but things aren’t quite back to normal yet. Keep on reading to find out everything you need to know about reopening.


When will my branch be open?

Dalby, Chinchilla and Miles Libraries will open as usual on Saturday 16 May 2020. Bell Library will be open during staffed hours on Wednesdays and Thursdays, beginning Wednesday 20 May 2020. All remaining branches, Jandowae, Meandarra, Moonie, Tara and Wandoan will be open as usual on Monday 18 May 2020. All branches will resume normal opening hours.

Can I still use the library takeaway service?

Our Library Takeaway service will change now that libraries are open and become a ‘Click and Collect’ service. This means you will still be able to reserve and collect items from the library and, once you receive your Reservation Notice, you can collect your reservations quickly and fuss-free from your nominated branch during opening times.

Those currently receiving deliveries will still be able to reserve books and have them delivered to their residence. The Chef’s Suggestion component of the Takeaway Service will be discontinued.

What social distancing measures are in place?

A maximum of ten people will be allowed to enter a branch at any one time (this excludes staff), and you should take care to maintain a distance of 1.5m between you and other customers or staff. A hand sanitising station will be available at each branch for your use, and you are encouraged to make use of self-service borrowing stations and pay via card for a contactless transaction. Our staff will also be observing strict social distancing, and so will remain 1.5m away from you at all times.

What can I expect when I arrive at the library?

Each library will be slightly different. Larger branches may have a concierge at the door who will be keeping track of numbers in the library. Some branches may have different entries or exits than you are used to. Please take note of any signage, and as always, our friendly library team will be on hand to assist you.

Are all the library services available now?

Our services are currently limited to ensure public safety. A limited number of public computers will be available for booking of 1 hour per day, and self-service printers are in operation. Our staff are still available to assist you, however they will maintain a distance of at least 1.5m at all times.

Our meeting rooms, games consoles, media rooms, recording studio, VR Cube, children’s toys and newspapers will be unavailable. Face-To-Face tech support sessions will not resume at this stage, and all programming is still suspended and will resume at a later date.

Does the 10 people include children?

Yes it does. You are able to enter the library with your children as long as the total number of people in the library is 10 or less (excluding staff). Due to the low numbers allowed in the library we would encourage you to attend the library with as few people as possible.

Can my child be in the library after school until I finish work?  

Your child is welcome to come to the library at any time but please be aware that we cannot guarantee they will be allowed into the library as there are only 10 people allowed into the facility at one time. If they are allowed into the library we will be encouraging them to make their visit very short so that everyone gets an opportunity to use the library.  

We would also like to advise that duty of care for unattended children in the library remains with the parent or guardian of that child. Library staff do their best to create a safe environment for all our users but cannot take responsibility for children who are not accompanied by a responsible adult. 

If an issue occurs involving an unattended child, our team will make every effort to contact the parent or guardian but if that is not possible, our staff will hand the matter over to the Police.

Can staff still assist me with computers and printing?

Yes, but we will be observing strict social distancing so we will be helping you from a distance of at least 1.5m.

I’ve had a book on loan since before closure, do I need to return it?

Yes, where possible please return any items that would now be due. We will be issuing reminder and overdue notices again, however, if you are unable to return your items, no overdue fees apply.

How long can I borrow my items for?

All items, including DVDs can still be borrowed for a period of 30 days. An individual can still have up to 40 items on loan at one time.

How will I know how many people are inside?

A library team member will let you know how many people are inside and whether it is safe for you to enter the building. If there are 10 people already inside, you will need to wait outside (and observe social distancing) until someone leaves. Please also understand that library staff may ask you to conclude your business and leave the library so as to allow entry for someone who is waiting.

How long can I stay in the library?

There is no time limit on your visit to the library, however due to the low numbers allowed inside, we’d encourage you to complete your tasks and exit the library when you are ready, or take advantage of our Click and Collect or delivery services.

We appreciate your understanding as, if there are people outside waiting, our library team will request that customers finalise their borrowing in order to allow other people to enter.