Membership is free to any Queensland resident on presentation of a suitable ID and documentation verifying Queensland residency. Temporary membership is available to visitors to Queensland and persons unable to supply proof of residential address.

A parent or guardian must be a guarantor for the membership of a child under 18 and must sign the child’s library membership card. The guarantor is responsible for items borrowed on the card including the selection and care of items and use of the internet and library equipment. The guarantor is responsible for accuracy of contact details on the child’s membership.

Members receive a library card and a password that provides access to services. Members must show their library card for all on-site library transactions. Members will notify Library and/or Council if their contact details change via the appropriate form or online at Borrowers are responsible for all items issued on their card. If a library card is lost or stolen report it immediately so that a ‘stop’ can be placed on the card to avoid its misuse.

Members must return or renew items by the due date. If an item is overdue, borrowing privileges are temporarily suspended until the item/s are returned. Audiovisual items or equipment (such as CDs, DVDs, audiobooks and mobile devices) are used at the member’s own risk.

Western Downs Libraries is not responsible for any damage to computers or other equipment resulting from the use or misuse of these items.

Through Membership, users release and discharge Western Downs Regional Council and its staff from any liability which might arise from the use of the service including liability in relation to defamatory or offensive material, or any breach of copyright which may occur as a result of use.


Membership Types

Adult membership is available to persons aged 18 and over. Adult members can borrow up to 20 hard copy items at any given time, as well as eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines and eMusic as per online limitations (this should link to Discover eResources card)

Youth membership
Is available to persons aged less than 18 years. A parent or guardian must be a guarantor for the membership and must sign the child’s library membership card. The guarantor is responsible for the items borrowed on the card including the selection and care of items and use of the internet and library equipment. The guarantor is responsible for accuracy of contact details on the child’s membership. Youth members have the same lending privileges as Adult members with the exception of multimedia content rated for mature audiences. In the case of on-site multimedia use for persons under 15 years of age where the content is rated for mature audiences there must be a suitable parent or guardian in attendance.

Family membership
Is available when multiple family members are requiring membership. Names and dates of birth of all family members will be recorded. Membership cards for some or all family members may be provided upon request. Additional cards for those under 18 must be signed by a parent/carer or guardian who is 18 or over. Family memberships can borrow up to 50 items at any given time. Family members have the same borrowing privileges for online resources (eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines etc).

Temporary Membership
Is available to all non-residents who do not meet the criteria for full adult, family or youth membership. Temporary members can borrow up to 4 hard copy items at any given time, as well as eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines and eMusic as per online limitations

Online membership
Provides instant 24×7 access to the Library’s databases, online learning resources, and eResources including eBooks, eAudiobooks eMagazines, eMovies and eMusic.

Institutional membership
Is available to institutions, associations, businesses, community organisations, collective agencies, schools and libraries. Contact details for the institutional borrower must include a nominated person from the organisation as principal point of contact. Institutional borrowers may borrow up to 20 items.

Not a member? Join now.

After completing online registration, you will receive an online membership number. This will allow you to use our online databases immediately and to reserve library items in our online catalogue. To enjoy full borrowing privileges, please visit one of our branches and provide proof of your name and current address e.g. current driver’s licence. If you are under 18, your parent or guardian must show proof of their name and current address.