What is cloudLibrary Language Collection?

cloudLibrary is a collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks in Languages Other Than English (LOTE).

Provided by The State Library of Queensland, every library service in QLD will have access to this service.


You may have up to 10 eBook loans and requests, and 10 eAudiobook loans and requests at once. The loan period is 14 days.


You may renew up to 2 times if no holds have been placed on the item.


You can return a title before the end of the loan period


If a title is currently on loan you may place a hold. When the title becomes available it will be automatically checked out to you. Holds can be cancelled through the ‘My Books’ page or in the mobile app in the ‘Holds’ tab.

Download the cloudLibrary app for quick and easy access on your Google Android and Apple iOS mobile devices.
Start reading now on Computer *(Requires Adobe download)
Start reading now on IOS device
Start reading now on Android device
Start reading now on Kindle Fire

Start your journey with cloudLibrary here. All you need is your library login. Don’t have a library card? Sign up for free here.