Inspiration for your New Year’s Resolution

This New Year, I resolve to read more books! What about you? Or perhaps you need some resolution inspiration? Check out some of our suggestions below.


I resolve to be happier - "The resilience project by Hugh Can Guylenburg“I resolve to be happier”

The resilience project: finding happiness through mindfulness, gratitude and empathy by Hugh Van Cuylenburg

I resolve to be more romantic - "And baby makes three" by John Gottman“I resolve to be more romantic”

And baby makes three: the six steps for preserving marital intimacy and rekindling romance after baby arrives by Drs. John & Julie Gottman

How to break up with your phone by Catherine Price“I resolve to spend less time on my phone”

How to break up with your phone by Catherine Price

The secret to half-arsed parenting by Susie O'Brien“I resolve to be a better parent”

The secret of half-arsed parenting: raising kids with half the guilt and twice the joy by Dr. Susie O’Brien

From snow to ash by Anthony Sharwood“I resolve to find myself”

From snow to ash: solitude, soul-searching and survival on Australia’s toughest hiking trail by Anthony Sharwood

Breath by John Nestor“I resolve to just keep breathing”

Breath: the new science of a lost art by James Nestor

Dinner's done by Sally Obermeder
“I resolve to cook healthy meals”

Dinner’s done: cook once, eat all week by Sally Obermeder and Maha Corbett

Lowitja by Stuart Rintoul“I resolve to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes”

Lowitja: the authorised biography of Lowitja O’Donoghue by Stuart Rintoul

The clutter connection by Cassandra Aarssen“I resolve to be more organised”

The clutter connection: how your personality type determines why you organise the way you do by Cassandra Aarssen

Plantopedia by Lauren Camerilleri“I resolve to develop my green thumb”

Plantopedia: the definitive guide to houseplants by Lauren Camilleri

F**k no by Sarah Knight“I resolve to stop saying ‘yes’ all the time”

F**k no! How to stop saying yes when you can’t, you shouldn’t, or you just don’t want to by Sarah Knight logo
“I resolve to learn a new skill” offers more than 3,000 video courses for all levels and covers technical skills, creative techniques, business strategies are more. Log in with your Library card to access them for free!

Here’s to 2021 – let’s make it a great one!

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