Gaming with Western Downs Libraries

Online gaming in libraries are becoming increasingly popular and at Western Downs Libraries, we have embraced this trend. Our libraries feature an extensive array of gaming consoles, including the latest Xbox, PS5, and Nintendo Switch, as well as cutting-edge virtual reality headsets. These additions are part of our commitment to providing diverse, modern resources to our community.

Our selection of games is carefully curated to cater to all ages, abilities, and interests, ensuring that everyone from young children to seniors can find something enjoyable and enriching. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer looking for the latest releases, a family seeking interactive fun, or someone interested in exploring the immersive world of virtual reality, we have something for you.


 FC 24

EA Sports FC 24 - PS5

An association football-themed simulation allowing you to rise through the ranks of your flourishing football career. Otherwise play as your favourite team to win the premiership.


Mario Kart

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Nintendo Switch

Choose from lots of characters and maps, racing through the Mario world. Challenge your friends to see who can come up on top.

Grand Turismo

Gran Turismo 7 - PS5 | BIG W

Pick from a selection of your favourite sports cars and race through different maps. This game gives you the ultimate driving experience with a realistic driving feel.


Farming Simulator 22

Farming Simulator 22 (PS5)

See if you have what it takes to run your own farm. Drive the gigantic machines available to grow your agricultural empire within 6 diverse maps.


Minecraft - Nintendo Switch

Discover a whole new world for you to explore whether that’s building your own city or venturing deep into the nether. Gather materials and build your own world within this fun interactive game.

Come visit us and discover how our gaming options can add a new dimension to your library visits. Whether you’re dropping by for a quick game session or planning a gaming marathon with friends, our libraries are equipped to provide an exciting and enjoyable experience for all. Enquire at your local branch to see what games might take your fancy. We are always stocking up with the coolest games so keep an eye out for any new editions to our collection.

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