Connecting Outside the Bubble
Have you ever given a minute in your busy lives how your elderly neighbours or relatives living alone are coping, or do you live in your own little bubble with your immediate family. We have busy lives but give a through to the families or friends who don’t have anyone close to check on their well-being. A simple hello or wave over the fence can go a long way in a lonely person’s life.
Think about the last time you spoke or acknowledged your neighbour. Has the mail been falling out of the mailbox or the washing on the line for days. Take the time to check if they are okay.
While you are safe in your little bubble just remember tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone. What would your family do if the next noise heard was the roaring blades of the Life Flight helicopter landing in your town. Did your skip a beat wondering if your son or daughter and their friends made it to their party safely. This time your family was spared but remember someone else’s family bubble has just burst into a million pieces. We can enhance our own mental and emotional well-being through acts of kindness.
Stepping out of your bubble and connecting can be hard, but Western Downs Libraries wants to help! We offer a number of resources that can help you to get connected to your community or even have the library come to you.
Upcoming Programs
We have many chances to get connected through free workshops and events at our libraries. All events can be booked online or through your local library. More events are coming your way in the new year too!
Home Library Service
Another great way to stay connected is to join programs that keep everyone connected to our amazing community resources. The Home Library Service assists eligible Western Downs Libraries members who are unable to visit the library by bringing the library to them. Library staff will help you find the program that best suits you so you can have books, movies, and more straight to your door. If you or someone you know could benefit from these services, we’d love to hear from you.
Remember Tomorrow is not Promised – Start connecting today.