What is it?

AustLit aims to be the definitive research environment and information resources for Australian literary, print, and narrative culture. On AustLit, you will find records for over 9020 000 works and more than 150 000 authors and organisations. These records include:

  • bibliographical or biographical details
  • information on genres, subjects, settings
  • lists of “works about”
  • links to related works and people

AustLit is maintained by the University of Queensland in collaboration with academic, library, education and research organisations.

How can I access it?

Western Downs Library members can access AustLit from anywhere.

  1. Click the link below
  2. On the main menu, click to “Log in with your library card”
  3. Enter your library card number and PIN and click Log in

Explore AustLit by scrolling through the home page and clicking through to the collections, monographs, and projects.